Roll Away Your Writer’s Block… With Dice

Richard Morgan
8 min readJan 29, 2020

Writing is like a trail of dominos. The trick is getting that first critical domino to fall.

Those words will haunt you when you find yourself staring at that fresh blank screen with your fingers on the keyboard. If that first “click” would just happen. If that first domino would just fall… the rest would happen so naturally. But you just don’t know where to start.

And that’s just it. If you don’t know where to start, then you need to discover where to start.

Writing prompts and warmup exercises all have one thing in common.


They steer you towards something you weren’t thinking of while blocked. Which involves an element of chance.

Well, why not put some fat rims on that concept and take it for a spin?

Discovery and chance are the bread and butter of dice. Stop reading right now and go raid the Yahtzee set or whatever game you have that will give you a single six-sided die. Done? Good.


We’re going to play a game. A story-writing game. As of this moment, we don’t know where…

